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2 reviews
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Tonkeeper is a non-custodial crypto wallet

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Tonkeeper desktop is a multi-platform open-source non-custodial TON crypto wallet and gateway to blockchain dApps

Tonkeeper is the easiest way to store, send, and receive Toncoin on The Open Network, which is a powerful new blockchain that offers unprecedented transaction speeds and throughput while offering a robust programming environment for smart contract applications.

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An easy-to-use non-custodial wallet

No registration or personal details are required to get started. Simply write down the secret recovery phrase that Tonkeeper generates and immediately start trading, sending, and receiving Toncoin.

World-class speed and extremely low fees

TON is a network designed for speed and throughput. Fees are significantly lower than on other blockchains, and transactions are confirmed in a matter of seconds.

Peer-to-peer subscriptions

Support your favorite authors with subscriptions paid in Toncoins.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by TON APPS LIMITED.

Information about Tonkeeper 3.22.1

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Utilities
Language English
Downloads 2,595
Date Sep 12, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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4 weeks ago

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